Saturday, April 12, 2008

Are you kidding????

I had to let the dog out at 7a.m and I opened the door and seen this...

That's right...SNOW!!!! That white stuff that I can not stand. AND it's still's like a bad dream. It is mid-April folks, we've had snow since November. I want it to go away~~~ yes, this is a morning rant--no coffee yet...

Here's another view..

I really hope that this is the last snow fall and that after this spring will truly be on its way to us.

Hope its warm wherever you are......


Lee said...

Actually we just got more snow.........but Springtime in the Rockies always means more snow for us!! LOL

Tricia said...

Deb, that stinks sorry there is so much snow over in MI. Hopefully Spring will decided to come out soon!