Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thanksgiving Snapshots

My very creative sister-in-law, Deb, made these very cool cornucopias for Thanksgiving:
Gus hoping for some Thanksgiving treats:
The guys peeling lots and lots of potatoes. I think they peeled 10+ pounds. I don't know how many they were expecting for dinner, but we had potatoes left over for days afterward.


Unknown said...

Wow those treats are amazingly creative! Great shots of them, as well :)

Kari said...

Gus looks just like my dog Mazy! Cute decorations... they look yummy!

Anonymous said...

Those are such a GREAT idea!! I would have never thought of that. Now I want to try with my kids!

Anonymous said...

How could anyone resist giving Gus any treats with that adorable face?! He's gorgeous :)

Jen Stewart Photography said...

mmmmmm, YUMMY! Those cornucopia's look good! What a fun idea!

Anonymous said...

Hey, give that dog a bone!

Anonymous said...

That dog is so cute, or at least that's probably what he wants you to think!! give him a treat!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! What awesome treats!! Would love to eat, but they look so pretty!!